Posted by: clumsysotong | Saturday, 17 October 2009

Moving on~

Two installments of F1 later and it’s time to bid adieu to the friends and colleagues who have left imprints in my life. It has been an exciting and memorable journey, coupled with thrills and spills and the usual scandals (oops) and gossip at work. This time round, it just feels different. After 2 stints at ultra crappy and horrid environments, it just feels good to be appreciated for a job well done. I picked up many soft skills and it is heartening to finally work with people of considerable EQ! Bleah~There were no teary goodbyes, only word of thanks and exchange of emails, fb and msn contacts! πŸ™‚

Now, I have discovered a new love – exploring the underwater world!! It has been something which I was yearning to do since University but it received the disapproval rating from my parents. Being the ever-obedient child, I put it off till after graduation. My hall friends went for their Open Water (OW) Diver course but I could not join them as I was making my way to the UK for a holiday. Years passed and everyone around me is already a certified diver!! 😦

The recent snorkling trip in KK rekindled my love for the underwater world and it made me all the more determined to take up the sport! I booked my OW course 2 days before it was due to start and ate and dreamt about the textbook that very weekend. Passed the theory exams, went for 2 pool sessions and embarked on the certification dives the same week! Haha true to my beliefs, I love diving and the forage into the underwater world leaves me feeling very liberated and free! For me, a plunge into the blue ocean is likened to entering a fascinating realm of underwater discovery.

My close friends broke out in peals of laughter when I told them I’m getting the wetsuit for the love of the sport! Damn it…haha they do not believe that this is a sustainable interest and it’s just a new diver getting enthusiastic about buying new gear. We’ll see if the interest runs out or the funds run out first! heehee I’m heading for my Advance Open Water course next week, so wish me luck, as I will need lots of motion sickness remedies on the liveaboard!! ;p

Turtles - WordPressSpotted turtles kissing underwater at Renggis, Pulau Tioman on our 5th dive

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